Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Snap Into Bonzo

So this weekend we had the premiere of Match Game in the DSI Comedy Theater. Rossi invited me to join the celebrity panel as Randy "The Macho Man" Savage, and how could I refuse? Anybody who knows me well knows that the original Match Game is my favourite gameshow of all time; mix it with wrestling and acting like an idiot, and we're golden.

I spent a lot of time trying to put together a costume of the 1980s Macho Man, with the wide glittering robe with his name on the back, but my sewing machine choked on the sequinned fabric, and I ended up going with the 1990s "NWO" Macho Man. It turned out pretty well, with a leather jacket, black cowboy hat, black "LWC" shirt, shades, and the OMEGA title belt. The piece that really made the costume, though, was this great $8 beard I bought at the local army/navy store. It was hilarious.

I was surprised at how well the actual performance went off. For a bunch of folks who had never done the format before or worked as a group, we did quite well, if I do say so myself. We had Jason Quinn as a fabulous Christopher Walken, Katy Jack as a precious-but-criminal Martha Stewart, Dave Siegel as a brilliantly dim Ronald Reagan, and two folks I met for the first time but whose names I forgot 'cause I suck, playing Peter Falk and Marv Albert. Reagan and the Macho Man got into a little tiff as the game progressed, and the entire show ended in a donnybrook as Savage jumped on the table and attacked the former president.

We're doing it again on Saturday night at 11:00, and it promises to be even wackier.

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