Monday, May 01, 2006

PCQOTD : 5-1-06

"You don't need to see his identification."


"The crops can be re-sown, the homes re-built. Within these walls... we will outlast them."


Simon FitzKit said...

P: Obi-wan in "A New Hope"
E: Theoden in "The Two Towers"

Connestion: Huge blockbuster trilogies

Ted Hobgood said...

Nailed the identifications, but I wouldn't make it so easy a Connection as that....would I?

Ted Hobgood said...

Hey, that's a damn good Connection, Ben. Kudos. I like that one.

Mine was different.

Simon FitzKit said...

Obi-Wan & Theoden Connestion: Both are old men who are seen as helplessly too deprepit to fight, but are shown to be capable.

OR: In both, these men advocate moving injured people because their foes (Sand People/Orcs) will be back...and in greater numbers.

OR: Assuming (big IF here) you count Episodes 1-3, then both are franchises where Christopher Lee plays an ineffectual bad guy.

Simon FitzKit said...


Ted Hobgood said...

Since Kit asked (in another thread), the Connection I had in mind was "weak minds". Both situations involve mind persuasion (the Stormtrooper's by Obi-Wan, and Theoden's by Saruman).

Ben's Connection was better.