Monday, June 19, 2006

PCQOTD : 6-19-06

"Where Alph the sacred river ran through caverns measureless to man."

(Okay, so it's not popular culture. Sue me; I was in a hurry, and it popped into my head.)

Erudite 1:
"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's what you do with your dancin' shoes."

Erudite 2:
"Goob, did anybody ever tell you you've got a big mouth?"

Erudite 3:
"I changed the conditions of the test. I got a commendation for original thinking. I don't like to lose."


RWH said...

P1: Xanadu? Who was that - Coleridge, or some such?
E3: Kirk re: Kobayashi Maru in one o' them early STtMPs

RWH said...

Oops, I meant P:"Kubla Khan", of course

Lisa P said...

Geez, Ted.

E1: rasalom got that one. Connection below (I confess to google-cheating)

P1: Grease. Vince Fontaine.
Connection: No freakin’ idea.

P2: Andy Griffith as Andy Taylor to Goober Pyle.
Connection: Griffith Taylor named the river Alph (thank you , Google).

P3: In Star Trek II, The Wrath of Kahn, James T. Kirk admitted to cheating on the Kobayashi Maru exercise at Star Fleet Academy by reprogramming the computer so he could win the exercise, designed as a no win situation.
Connection: Kubla Kahn/Kahn Noonien Singh.

Sadly, I had to google the classic literature quote, but not the Star Trek one. Not even Kahn’s full name, which I had remembered from TOS (that’s The Original Series to you non-Trekkers) before the movie even came out.

I am a nerd.

Lisa P said...

HA! Got it!

Olivia Newton John was in Grease and Xanadu.

You know, the only reason I was so determined to get these was the damned Trek quote.

Ted Hobgood said...

Excellent, all 'round!

And a very unique Connection on E2, Lisa! I was just looking for Andy Taylor/Samuel Taylor Coleridge, but Griffith Taylor is even BETTER!