Tuesday, February 21, 2006


So the Great Pennsylvania Road Trip has come to an end. After work on Thursday, Ethan Kaye, Jeff Scronce, and yours truly piled into Ethan's car and made ramming speed up to Easton, PA to stay with his parents. Ethan's parents rock, by the way. We talked at length of wrestling, the Marx Brothers, theater, Kenpo, Judaism, and why there are no pictures of Ethan in the house. His mom fixed us an incredible lasagna, and we had a Sabbath dinner on Friday, which was cool. I felt very at home and accepted.

We went to Roadside America, the "World's Greatest Miniature Village". Ethan kept raving about it, but to tell the truth, I wasn't really looking forward to it. Turns out, it was the high point of the trip. It was fascinating, fun, and hilarious. Other highlights were the $5.98 store that Ethan's father turned us on to (I got an amazing jacket), and Haag's Hotel, a family dining restaurant of all-you-can-eat Pennsylvania Dutch food. Incredible. We also went to a zoo in freezing weather, saw a crappy film at the Hershey factory, and made lots of amusing remarks about billboards, signs, and the rare Pennsylvania Angus Bee.

Ted gives this trip a big thumbs up, and thanks Ethan Kaye for putting it together. It was one fine vacation.

Click here for a Flickr photoset of selections from our journey. Go through the pictures one-by-one (as opposed to the slideshow) to read the comments.

1 comment:

Ted Hobgood said...

Oo, I forgot to mention the custom slaughtering bit. I still want to see if they'll bludgeon a deer with a bowling pin.