Wednesday, February 22, 2006

PCQOTD : 2-22-06

"Take your stinking paws off of me, you damn dirty ape!"

"I didn't say he was dead; I said he was sleeping with the fishes."

Bonus Erudite (With Extra Added Bonus Connection):
"The Duke of New York, A-Number-1, the Big Man, that's who!"


Alex Wilson said...

Erudite: Simpsons, maybe?

Plebian: Planet of the Apes, but it, too, was probably a line used in The Simpsons.

Bonus: John Carpenter's Escape from Springfield!

Ted Hobgood said...

Erudite is indeed the Simpsons; can you name the source or the circumstances?

Plebian is correct.

Did John Carpenter ever do a Simpsons episode? (or did the Simpsons ever do a John Carpenter parody?)

Simon FitzKit said...

Is the fish-sleeping being done by Troy McClure who had the starring role in "Planet of the Apes" the Musical?

Simon FitzKit said...

Oh, and Snake from the Simpsons is based on Snake from EFNY.

Ted Hobgood said...

> Is the fish-sleeping being done by Troy McClure who had the starring role in "Planet of the Apes" the Musical?

Yes indeedy.

> Oh, and Snake from the Simpsons is based on Snake from EFNY.

See, this is part of what makes the PCQOTD great: people finding other connections that I did not have in mind.

Point to Mr. FitzSimons, but I leave the EFNY/POTA connection open, to see if anybody can get the one I had in mind.

Ted Hobgood said...

BOOM! Nice swooping, Ben!

P: Charlton Heston in "Planet of the Apes"
E1: Fat Tony (I believe) from "The Simpsons" re Troy McClure
E2: Cabbie to Snake in "Escape From New York"

C1: Troy McClure was in "Planet of the Apes: The Musical"
C2: The head of the Statue of Liberty was featured in both films