Sunday, March 26, 2006


I just re-stumbled over this little Flash animation, and wanted to share it with one and all. Even if you don't like the Saturday Night Live skit this was inspired by (The Roxbury Guys, aka "that What Is Love sketch"), this little thing is enjoyable. They took a loop from the car driving segment of the sketch, and redid it in seventeen different styles. I love this sort of creativity, and I'd really like to do something in this vein myself, especially if it involved collaborating with a group of people, each person doing their own version on a theme, and then combining them into one vehicle.

Anyway, enjoy this. I particularly loved the last one.


RWH said...

That's good stuff. I especially like the ones, like #13, that abstract out the scene elements and explore how far afield from the original you can get and still be recognizably connected.

What might be an interesting mini-project is to have someone suggest two unrelated scenes, and then connect them via a series of transformations.

Ted Hobgood said...

Heyyy...I like that idea! I might do a separate posting challenging my vast readership to just that sort of thing. Perhaps a sequence of images or Photoshoppery to connect the two suggestions...hmm; I shall ponder this.