Monday, August 14, 2006

Back To The Cage

It's nice to get feedback from people. My friend Jackson told me he hasn't seen my CageMatch videos in a while, because I haven't been linking them here on The Transmutation Effect. So here we go.

This Saturday was a fabulous show, which had Siegel-Prov end their long and celebrated reign as champions, when they fell to Community Bike after a twelve to eleven score. Both teams put on incredible shows, and they made for a great CageMatch. I've been really privileged to have Siegel-Prov out there each week to make CageMatch entertaining, and I'd like to thank Dan and Dave for being so dedicated.

Okay, so on to the videos. The promo video for Siegel-Prov vs Community Bike can be found here. At the beginning of the show, a mysterious figure interrupted the satellite feed to taunt Scott Sullivan, and that footage is here. There was an intriguing post-match interview done with the Siegels after their loss, and that video is here.

In general, all the CageMatch videos can be found on DSI's YouTube page here. I'll try to start posting the video links here each week.

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