Wednesday, June 07, 2006

PCQOTD : 6-7-06

"Welcome to Sherwood."

"The movie star...and the rest."


Alex Wilson said...

Did I get here before Kit? Kick ass (now watch him post before I can remember my password).

Plebian: The Adventures of Robin Hood

Erudite: Gilligan's Island (original theme song)

Connection: Okay, now I see why Kit always gets them and I don't. Maybe the line was cut from a later edition of Robin Hood?

Lisa P said...

The Skipper, Alan Hale, skipped through The Adventures of Robin Hood as Little John.

Ted Hobgood said...

Ah, everybody always enjoys a good Kit race...

Correct identifications, Alex--well done. I really want to watch the Errol Flynn Robin Hood again; a true classic. As for Gilligan's Island, I always felt sorry for The Professor and Mary Ann in that first theme, subsumed under the forlorn title of "the rest".

Lisa: Oh, so VERY close! Just a hairs-breadth away...I'm tempted to just blurt it out, but I shall wait a bit.

Simon FitzKit said...

Huff, huff, huff...whew. Man, sorry about that; I was caring for my adopted sick infant and got off to a late start this morning, but I've got it: Robin Hood, Gilligan, Connestion is Alan Hale Senior (Little John) vs. Alan Hale Junior (The Ski...

What? Wait...who was here first? But I...I was...I...


Ted Hobgood said...

And coming in third, representing Tanzania, Mr. Kit FitzSimons! Such a sad tale, and my best to your infant and his head cancer.

(But absolutely correct; Alan Hale was Little John, and Alan Hale, Jr was The Skipper.)