Sunday, May 21, 2006

CageMatch Promo for 5-20-06

It's Siegel-Prov vs Sumo, better late than never! (I finished this one about five minutes before ComedySportz on Saturday.)

Available on Powerbomb.

There's a summary page of all the CageMatches to date here. I plan on prettyfying this page, and including information about the music I used, amusing tidbits about the videos, and so on.


Corey Brown said...

Nice job on the image merge for the Sumo pics. Really nice.

Ted Hobgood said...

Thank you sir. The method I was using for this one reduces the lines of the face to black and white---perfect for this sort of Japanese scroll art. When I did Austin's face, it looked pretty good, but there was something missing, something that got lost in the b&w reduction. So I used the eyedropper to pick up the reddish-brown from the wrestler's mawashi, and painted in Austin's facial birthmark--HAH! (I think it looks pretty authentic to the style!)