Wednesday, April 05, 2006

PCQOTD : 4-5-6

"They just use your mind and they never give you credit; it’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it."

"I got to have a long talk with that boy."


Lisa P said...

Haha, "Other Girl" would be Jane Fonda. I don't have anything else to contribute. That just kind of tickled me.

Ted Hobgood said...

"Other Girl" was not in the horrendous Beverly Hillbillies flick, but the other two-thirds of the trio were, along with Dabney Coleman reprising his role as an asshole of a boss, this time as the insufferable Mr. Drysdale.

Point to Mr. Moser.

Lisa P said...

I actually once had a 9 to 5 job where I got paid for lunch. It was awesome.

Lisa P said...

Absolutely. The company was Woven Legends, the rug wholesaler. We worked from 9 to 5 and we had a paid 45 minute lunch, which was actually pretty squishy. Sometimes we had buyers in and we couldn't take as long (there were many days where I ate at my computer while I worked), and sometimes there wasn't much going on and we did things like go sledding in the park across the street. One Halloween, we went out to lunch and then wandered around Center City in costume. It evened out over the longrun, but it was very cool.