Friday, May 23, 2008

CageMatch Report

Quick report, as today has gotten crazily busy. Here's the video.

Nothing particularly special this time. Lots of Photoshoppery, a little bit of stock video, and a bit of amusement sticking Mary's face on a piece of Catholic schoolgirl clipart. Had to change the script halfway through the process, as it was going to end by saying "Mano A Mary is well-grounded in improv comedy, but Banana Breakup will be flying high," followed by Ozzy Osbourne's "Flying High Again" off the album "Tribute". But it didn't rock hard enough, so I switched to the "breaking the law of gravity" ending with "Breaking The Law" by Judas Priest. Rock on.

Oh, and another triple-meaning audio intro this time! Do ya get it?

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