Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Made With Olive Oy-el

This weekend I made my second hot sauce. Jason likes Jewish food, so I found a recipe in his sauces book that told how to make zehug, a hot sauce favoured by Yemenite Jews. I pan-roasted tomatoes for the first time in my life, a skin removal method that adds flavour to the dish, or so the text read. There's also a bunch of cilantro in there, extra virgin olive oil, jalepneos, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, and coriander. Oh, and a single lemon's worth of juicings. Turned out pretty good. A little mild, perhaps. I toasted up some pita bread for dipping purposes, not realizing one is supposed to cut the bread into triangles before putting them in the oven. Look at the glory here and here.

Oh, and pardon my filthy thumbnail; that was a bit of burned tomato skin.

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